Saturday 30 August 2014

Snapshots from August 2014

First of all, our anniversary, the big half decade! We had a fantastic night with some friends round for a bit of a dinner party to celebrate. Oh and my present from Ben is three separate classes in September where I'm gonna learn all about the different types of printmaking!! 

And below, the first ever photo of us taken together. Wow you would think we were 14, we're actually 18 there!

Started hula hooping and I'm having a blast doing it. You should try it too!

Designed and added some new cards to the shop. Have a look!

Went on a really cool trek up Mam Tor in Derbyshire after camping in Edale and took some photos that I'm really pleased with.

Found some really cute tiny frogs in the garden that I never knew lived there. Then found the big daddy! (I'm not squeezing it to death, honest!)

New shoes! Ultimate summer shoes, shame August's pretty much over now but I hear September's set to be hot here.

Visited Brodsworth Hall and Gardens and loved it.

Well it's been a bit of a quiet month overall. More has been happening here at home rather than during days out. I have a lot of places I really want to visit in the near future though.

Oh and in October I'm doing a 10k. I don't even own trainers. Ah come on, what's the worst that could happen!? ...ha..ha?


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