Finally I've made it! I have indeed put blonde onto blonde. Well, not me, Stuart at
Laundry did it - and a bloody good job he did too getting rid of all that yellow! Just don't ask me how much I paid, let's just say it better look expensive!
Pearl blonde has been the bane of my life for a while now as you all know. It's been a long journey but I've done it, and I love it.
I'm a bit surprised at myself to be honest. This is a far cry from my staple copper locks. It's been floating in the back of my mind to try blonde for a while. I'm sure you know what it's like when you get a craving to try a different colour. You just have to.
I need to do a serious conditioning treatment tonight though, it's pretty dry. Also, how freaking painful is it to sit under those heat things with peroxide on your head!? Ya better believe I've suffered for this!
I'm following in my mum's (and aunty's) footsteps with this colour, she's been dying her hair blonde almost all her life. So I've put together some photo's of her from being 17 to 30 odd to honour her as being the inspiration for my new 'do!
Mum with my big bro Simon 1971 |
Aunty Kathryn with Simon 1971 |
Mum with Simon 1973 |
Again with Simon 1973 |
With Ben & Simon 1974 |
Pregnant Kathryn with mum & my brothers 1974 |
Killing it in the photo booth! 1985
With my cousin Dom and my other brother Dan, probably 1987 |
With my sister Sophie 1988 |
With Sophie, 1988 |
Again with Sophie 1988 |
1989 |
And with me 1992 |
Ahh, now to wait for the inevitable fade to brassiness and dark roots.
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